The Sonoma County Charter SELPA CEO Council is composed of representatives from from our Charter SELPA members. Each Charter LEA member has one vote in the CEO Council. The CEO Council's duties include:
- Selection and annual evaluation of the Charter SELPA Administrator
- Establishment and promotion of a Community Advisory Committee
- Establishment of the number and type of Charter SELPA office staff employed for Charter SELPA-wide services
- Review, approve, and monitor all budgets assigned to the Charter SELPA
- Provide leadership to the Charter SELPA regarding the development, revision, implementation and review of the Local Plan
- Review, approve, and monitor the allocation of special education funds to local education agencies
- Approval of all SELPA policies, standards and guidelines
Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month (* Exceptions Noted), from 9:00-11:00am, at SCOE: 5340 Skylane Blvd Santa Rosa CA 95403. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please contact the SELPA office at (707) 524-2752 with inquiries.
Click the button below for agendas and minutes of meetings